Duke Manor Farm's Christmas Decor

Duke Manor Farm’s Christmas Decor and her stunning Crevasse Raintree Floors

When the weather turns colder and nightfall begins a little earlier each day, it means that the nostalgic autumn season is truly upon us – and the fall and winter holidays are right around the corner! From Halloween and Thanksgiving to Christmas and New Year’s Eve, there will be no shortage of reasons to celebrate in the upcoming months and make long-lasting memories with your loved ones. Your Raintree rigid, 100% waterproof wood floors are built to handle the get-togethers with ease and allow you to clean your home quickly and efficiently after the fun. Follow these hardwood floor care tips and you will enjoy holiday hosting even more with the knowledge that your inspired interiors will shine throughout:

Pristine Planks – Start your holiday season with a shining clean surface and spiff up your floors before and after every holiday party. It’s always wise to remove all abrasive particles from your floor prior to your guests arriving and the entire home becoming a high-traffic area. Start by sweeping or vacuuming, and thanks to our H2O Core, you can damp-mop your Raintree waterproof hardwood floors for a supreme deep clean.

Prevent Particles – Speaking of abrasive particles, the fall season presents a unique mix of dried-out leaves and sticks, and later wintery slush, which can easily be dragged inside and scraped across the floor. Thankfully, Raintree waterproof hardwood floors feature PET GUARD WATERPROOF + SCRATCH RESISTANT reinforced with aluminum oxide to provide maximum scratch and wear resistance. Place entry mats at every outdoor entrance of the home and a shoe rack by the main entrance to encourage guests to remove their footwear, which will prevent even more pesky particles from ever making their way indoors!

Add Area Rugs – For added flooring protection throughout the holidays, add a touch of inspired softness to your home with themed area rugs by entranceways, sinks, hallways, and anywhere else you prefer! Rugs are excellent for adding color and enhancing a holiday theme, while also providing a line of defense against spills, stains, and outdoor debris touching your hardwood floors. We love the idea of using lighter-colored area rugs to contrast a medium to darker tone floor such as Printer’s Alley from the Nashville Scene Collection (below):

Home for the holidays mat from Amazon       Printer's Alley 100% waterproof hardwood flooring

Similarly, you can pair a bold rug with rich color to balance a lighter-toned hardwood variety such as First Flurry from the Aspen Collection (below) and create a seasonal match made in heaven:

Geometric area rug from Amazon   First Flurry 100% Waterproof hardwood floors


Felt For Furniture – Here’s an often overlook hardwood floor care tip. If you plan to move your furniture multiple times during the holiday season to accommodate different décor and different crowd sizes, make sure to utilize felt pads underneath all pieces to protect your floors. In addition to preventing any scrapes, scratches, or dents, these felt pads will make moving the actual furniture easier as well. Make sure to also apply felt pads to any additional seating or tables you bring in to use for your holiday parties. 

The holidays are meant for laughter, delicious meals, and all-around fun! The home preparation steps that you take now will allow you to enjoy every moment to the fullest. And don’t forget to use some of these hardwood floor care tips to keep your floors in tip-top shape the entire time. Make sure to visit our Raintree Halloween Décor Pinterest Board to kick off your decorating fun and get into the holiday spirit!



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